Lockdown Walks

Lockdown Walks – No3 – Sat 7th Nov 2020

  • November 7, 2020

As you can see, it was another fabulous sunny day in the forest but rather than focus mainly on the flora today (although there is of course some) I thought I’d look out more for the fauna . . . oh, and sooooo many people today, but being a Saturday, I guess it was predictable . . .

This way please . . .
Cycling through the mud . . .
I just liked the tangle of branches . . .
Yes I know, it’a a little out of focus but he was tearing along, luck I got anything at all . . .
Just WHY? Was it left there as an artistic statement or just too heavy to take home . . .
Just so beautiful . . . at any time of year!
I just loved that little layer of mist . . .
I’m always a sucker for light coming through trees . . .
A carpet of green moss . . .
Still standing proud in the sunlight . . .
More funghi, it seems to be the year of the toadstool . . .
Heading back towards the main lakes and we start seeing a lot more people . . .
The seagull hotel at the back of the nature centre still seems fully booked . . .
I think it’s checkout time . . .
and their off . . .
coming in for a soft landing . . .
Is there room for another?
Now for a little bit of class . . . I just love the reflection!
absolutely no apology for lots of the swans, even the baby ones!
absolutely no apology for lots of the swans . . .
absolutely no apology for lots of the swans, even the baby ones!
Get off mum, that’s mine . . .
What a totally beautiful animal . . .
I guess it wouldn’t be right without at least one Canada goose now would it?
So many people compared to our weekday walks . . .
Absolutely loads of large family groups . . . despite the rules!
And just to finish off, meet our neighbours cat . . .

That’s about it for walk three and if you got this far, thank you and watch out for the coming days posts . . . it’s going to get tougher and tougher trying to find different things to shoot but then that’s the challenge I guess!

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